Светлой памяти Нины Макаровны Чередеевой-

The Root of Ignorance

Armenian անտեղյակություն [antɛʁjɑkutʰˈjun], Basque ezjakintasuna, Chinese 知 [zhī], Czech neznalost, Irish aineolas, Lithuanian nežinojimas, Norwegian uvitenhet, Welsh anwybodaeth, Greek άγνoια [ágnoia], Hindi ज्ञान [agyān], Hungarian tudatlanság and Finnish tietämättömyys all mean 'ignorance', the highlighted prefixes, infix and suffix unanimously denoting the negation of knowledge, exactly as does the English word itself – from Latin i(n)gnorantia, French-borrowed ignorance is the antithesis of gnosis, cognizance and knowledge, which it equally shares a common root with. Human Language – the Mirror of Universal Wisdom – knows neither abstractions, nor negative concepts, all of which are but shadows of our Collective Unconscious. Russian/ Ukrainian ненависть [nenavist'] 'hatred' – wherein prefix не- [ne-] is self-explanatory – eloquently speaks on behalf of that Unconscious!

-This site owes its conception to Sarah Frantz-
-Ce site doit sa naissance à Elian Carsenat--