Светлой памяти Нины Макаровны Чередеевой-

عبد עבד , هلك הלך , حمد חמד

Hebrew חמדה [xemdá] 'precious (thing)' stems from חמד [xēmed] 'grace', cognate with Arabic حَمْد [ḥamd] 'praise', whence َحَمِد [ḥamida] 'to praise' - after all, one praises what is precious. From حَمِد [ḥamid(a)] came a whole series of Arabic adjectives, which have in turn developed into proper names, all pointing to benign, praiseworthy features of the human character: حميد [ḥamīd], أحمد [aḥmad], حامد [ḥāmid], محمود [maḥmūd] and, finally, محمد [muḥammad]. While Hebrew הלך [haláx] 'to go' poses a problem with its Arabic cognate هلك [halak] 'to perish', the meaning of the latter in ancient texts reflected exactly the continuing Hebrew meaning of the word: َ'to go (away)'. Hebrew עבד [c(a)bad] 'to work; to serve' has acquired a specialised meaning in Arabic: 'to serve God; to worship' - َعَبَد [cabada]. عَبْد [cabd-], which today denotes a 'slave', originally meant 'servant'.

נומי, נומי, חמדתי. נומי, נומי נים. אבא הלך לעבודה - הלך, הלך אבא. ישוב עם צאת הלבנה – יביא לך מתנה!י--–--–--

-This site owes its conception to Sarah Frantz-
-Ce site doit sa naissance à Elian Carsenat--