Светлой памяти Нины Макаровны Чередеевой-

Salvation Lies in Language

Journal, diurnal, divine

In Lithuanian, the world’s most archaic Indo-European language, both diena ‘day’ and dievas ‘god’ stem from one and the same root – *dyew- ‘(bright) sky’. But so also do Latin dies 'day' and deus 'god'. From Latin dies came diurnus 'of the day' – whence French jour 'day' and diurne 'of the day'. Diurnus has extended into diurnalis, leading to French journal 'daily record; newspaper' and borrowed into English as diurnal (English journal itself is a direct borrowing from French). On the other hand, Latin deus 'god', adjectivised as divinus, has yielded both French divin (borrowed into English as divine) and deviner 'to prophesize; foretell; guess'. Cognate to Latin deus 'god' are both Greek Zeus, 'the Supreme Ruler of the Gods', and Romanian zeu – simply, 'god'.

-This site owes its conception to Sarah Frantz-
-Ce site doit sa naissance à Elian Carsenat--