Светлой памяти Нины Макаровны Чередеевой-

Κυριακή, კვირა, vasárnap

All Slavonic languages call Sunday *nedělja* '(the) idle (day)' (< *ne* 'no'; *dělo* 'business'), except Russian, which refers to the day as *воскресенье* [voskresēnĭe] '(the day of) resurrection', leaving *неделя* [nedēlja] to denote the week. 'Sunday' in Greek is *κυριακή* [kuriakē] (Mod. Gr. [kyriakī]) '(the day) of the Lord' – a word, which has been calqued into Latin as *dominica* (whence, among others, Italian *domenica*, Spanish *domingo* and French *dimanche*) and, under the guise of კვირა [k'víra], has entered Georgian with both the meanings of 'Sunday' and 'week'. While Slavonic Monday is the '(day) after (the) idle (one)' (cf. Czech *pondělí* < *po-ne-děl-í*), followed by the 'second one' (cf. Polish *wtorek*), Wednesday is called *s[e]r[e]da* '(the) middle', from *serd-* 'heart', reminiscent of German *Mittwoch*, literally 'midweek'. Hungarian – which calls 'Monday' *hétfő* (literally, 'weekhead', *hét* orignally meaning 'seven') – has borrowed several day names from neighbouring Slavonic (compare Hungarian *csütörtök* with Serbian *четвртак* [četvrtak] 'Thursday'), while Turkish has borrowed as many from Farsi, including *pazar* 'Sunday', from بازار [bāzār] 'market', reminiscent of Hungarian *vasárnap* 'Sunday' – literally, 'market day'.

-This site owes its conception to Sarah Frantz-
-Ce site doit sa naissance à Elian Carsenat--