Светлой памяти Нины Макаровны Чередеевой-

Pecuniarism as a fossilised form of nomadism

Having for decades been probing the Sun to further tighten its wishful grip on the Universe, all the while pushing ahead with the 'salvational' whims of 'artificial intelligence' (as if robots had brains), 'posthumanism' and 'transhumanism' (as if we were remotely close to humanism), our species keeps blissfully riding the rollercoaster of pecuniarism, given that the term stems from Latin pecus 'cattle', the English word having itself - as usual, through French - grown out of Latin capitalis, from caput 'head' (of livestock, hence capitalism). Latin pecus 'cattle' (whence Italian pecora 'sheep') being cognate both with German Vieh [fī] and Frisian fee [fē] (both of which denote livestock), the historicity of the fee-based system shines therethrough, particularly in the glaring light of its shared root with feudalism.

Will we – away from the perennial propensity for self- and mutual ignorance, contempt and annihilation – ever be able to transcend nomadism into the agriculture we were supposed, 10,000 years ago, to have adopted as a (finally appeased) way of life? Only the god of Universal Faith – the One that has nothing to do with pantheons, stock exchanges and fashion houses – will finally help answer that question!

-This site owes its conception to Sarah Frantz-
-Ce site doit sa naissance à Elian Carsenat--